Why do I need a credit card?

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Compare Singapore Credit Cards

Why would you need a Singapore Credit Card?


We love credit cards. We love their ease of use, we love the benefits, and we love the way they let you keep control of your finances and we love the way that cards can be used as a universal currency no matter where you are in the world. In fact, we love credit cards so much, we run a website that helps Singapore people find the best deals to suit their lifestyle.

However, we are well aware that there are people out there – let us call them spoil-sports – who don’t have a credit card, don’t want a credit card, and don’t want a part in this plastic global revolution.

So, why do you need a credit card? The first reason, and one we keep having to bang out over and over again, is that we in Singapore are blessed with one of the most competitive credit card markets in the world, and banks are falling over themselves to offer you the best deals.

The premium cards on offer to Singapore residents are head and shoulders above those offered elsewhere in the world. If you’re a driver, you can get a card that offers you massive discounts on filling up your car. If you travel abroad, you’re offered frankly amazing deals on flights and hotels. If you’re a party kind of person, there’s even cards that offer you discounts on dining, bars, and night clubs. And if you’re all three, why not have one of each?

Most of these premium cards come with some sort of annual fee, which some less enlightened people see as a barrier to stop them applying. However, if you’re going to use your card for the purpose it has been designed, and you continue to pay down your balance every month, then you find that your card pays for itself in a very short time, and you move into profit.

A credit card also helps build up your credit history for times when you may need further finance. Keep your card in order, and your history looks good, and you’ll find you’ve got no problems if you ever need to tap into an emergency fund. And for those big, important purchases, a credit card is invaluable, just as long as you don’t spend more than you can afford.

In short, a credit card is a must-have if you live and work in Singapore. Join the plastic revolution!


Article by Jason Taylor – [email protected]

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