Never Be Late For Credit Card Bill Payments Again
Do you remember the time where you took a look at your credit card statement and realised you were billed with a late payment charge? You didn’t even remember having received last month’s bills! That’s when you probably regret not automating your bill payments and relying on your memory, where obviously remembering to pay bills isn’t exactly at the top of your list of priorities.
The best way to prevent such “mishaps” is probably to automate your bill payment each month so that you do not need to worry unnecessarily about missing it out again.
Payment Methods:
- Interbank GIRO – Interbank GIRO is a service for you to transfer funds and make payments to other banks. While most people use GIRO to pay for their monthly utilities and telco bills, you can certainly use the same payment method to settle your credit card bills as well. You’d only have to send in a one-time application for the Interbank GIRO form which you can find for download on most bank’s websites.
- Online Bill payment – in this day and age, almost all banks provide internet banking. If you haven’t applied to it, you really should start now! It provides a convenient way for one to manage all your banking needs online, and is even eco-friendly if you choose paperless payments.
Log into your banking account online to perform a bill payment for your credit card bills. Most banks allow you to pay for another bank’s credit cards these days. The best way to do this is to choose one day a month where you pay all your bills online so that you can do it all at one time. Even better, sign up for a service like the Citibank One Bill where all your monthly bills are automatically charged to your credit card every month so you only need pay one bill – your credit card. It’s a great way to consolidate all your administrative task into one and earn reward points as you pay as well!
- Mobile payment – With the strong internet connection infrastructure in Singapore, many of us can even bank on our mobile. Make use of time when you are in commute or queuing to manage such tasks for a more productive day!
Simply download the mobile app of your bank to complete the credit card bill payment swiftly. Most banks also allow you to set an alert when your credit card bills are ready, so you will receive an SMS to pay your bills. Make it a habit to pay the bill immediately once you receive your SMS so that there’s no chance for you to forget about it.
Other than automating your payments, the best way to make bill payment a breeze is to consolidate your monthly bills for your mobile phone, insurance premiums, utilities bills and broadband payments all under one credit card so that you can clear them with just one easy payment.
In this way, you get to earn your favourite rewards, rebates or air miles as you pay for the essentials each month. If you do this, set a reminder to pay your credit card bill on time, because in this case, forgetting one bill means all the others will not be paid as well!