At the very top end of the scale in credit cards available in Singapore comes the American Express Platinum Credit Card. It’s a premium card that offers impressive member benefits, and it’s worth exploring in detail as you make up your mind whether it’s the card to suit your lifestyle.
Promoting itself as “a new world of vibrant experiences”, the Amex Platinum card doesn’t come cheap with a non-waivable annual fee of S$321. However, as with all premium cards, you have to look beyond the fee and judge for yourself whether the member benefits outweigh the cost. And in this card we believe you’re repaid in spades.
At the moment, there’s a limited offer on this card – a free Nescafe Dolce Gusto beverage system that’s worth $344, along with $200 of TungLok vouchers. So, before you even start, you are more than two hundred dollars better off.
It’s a card that seems to offer its members seemingly endless benefits. The rewards points appear to be remarkably generous, as does the complementary membership of its Palate dining discount service which offers substantial savings at many of the best restaurants and bars across the island. If that’s not enough, there’s also a spend-and-redeem scheme, that rewards a minimum annual spend with free rewards, such as designer luggage.
Are there any down sides? Well, the emphasis on spend and reward may be disconcerting for some, as it encourages a reasonably high monthly spend in order to qualify for free gifts. While we always say that credit card spending should always be well within your monthly means, we’re genuinely of the opinion that the kind of person who is attracted to the Amex Platinum card is absolutely able to afford the monthly spending that this relatively modest reward scheme demands.
As with any American Express product, the card holder is under the protection of the company’s cast-iron protection. Financial benefits for the Platinum card holder include travel insurance, fraud protection, and their Global Assist scheme. All purchases up to $800 are guaranteed for 90 days, even if the orginal store refuses a refund. On top of that, all purchases are automatically insured up to $10,000 for theft or damage.
American Express always offers premium offers to premium card holders, and this one is no exception. Take a look on our website and apply.
Article by Jason Taylor – [email protected]